Front Office, Supervisors, and Managers
Effective Meetings
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 2 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 18
There are good meetings, and there are bad meetings. Bad meetings appear to drag on forever, they never seem to get to the point and are a waste of time. Effective meetings leave us energized and feel that we have really accomplished something.
This training provides a simple three-step process for running effective meetings. It includes planning, conducting the meeting, review, and follow up, as well as useful tips for successful meetings. To be able to conduct effective meetings is in line with basic Lean practices. The guidelines or practices presented are used by consultants in top-tier consulting firms.
Management System for Lean Leaders
Lecture Hours: 3 Hours
Implementation Time: .5 to 3 days
Total Time: 1 to 3 days
Maximum Attendees: 18
Most Lean organizations are missing a critical ingredient: a Lean management system to sustain it. Lean organizations are mostly focused on finding waste and eliminating them using Lean tools. However, to sustain Lean practices, we need a Lean management system. And, Lean cultures grow from robust Lean management systems.
A Lean Daily Management System is the system that allows you to deliver customer value through proper support and leadership to those who are closest to the process (customers and process owners). The system consists of four key elements: Leader Standard Work, Visual Control, Daily Accountability, and Leadership Discipline.
This training shows you how to implement a sustainable, successful transformation by developing a culture that has your stakeholders throughout the organizational chart involved and invested in the outcome. It teaches you how to implement the four key elements of the Lean Daily Management System to enhance your effectiveness as a Lean transformation leader.
Business Process Reengineering
Lecture Hours: 3 Hours
Implementation Time: .5 to 3 days
Total Time: 1 to 3 days
Maximum Attendees: 18
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes enabled by information technology to achieve dramatic improvements in business performance. BPR may be the answer to organizations who are expecting results over and beyond what continuous improvement techniques can offer. Companies that have successfully reengineered are Ford, Bell Atlantic, Mutual Benefit Insurance, and Xerox among others.
By teaching this training to management teams, they will have a better understanding of the correct approach to implementing BPR and improve the chances of success.
Gemba Walk
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: 2 Hours
Total Time: 4 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 18
In business, 'Gemba' refers to the place where value is created and improved. The 'Gemba Walk' is an activity that takes management to the front lines to look for waste (non-value added activities) and opportunities.
The objective of Gemba Walk is to grasp the situation by involving everyone touching the process to understand the Purpose, Process, and People. It is only when the situation is understood that improvement is possible and more likely to succeed.
By teaching this training to management teams, they will have a better understanding of the correct approach to implementing Gemba Walk and sustaining a Lean culture.
Intro to Kaizen
Lecture Hours: 3 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 18
Kaizen strategy is the single most important concept in Japanese management - the key to successful Japanese companies such as Toyota. Kaizen, which simply means continuous improvement, is the foundation for all Lean improvements. Kaizen events are opportunities to make focused changes in the workplace.
Based on Masaaki Imai's teachings on 'Kaizen' and 'Gemba Kaizen', this training is specially designed for managers, supervisors, facilitators, and continuous improvement steering committees who want to kick-start and implement Kaizen activities in their work areas to eliminate waste and improve efficiency.
* Supervisor Training - Conflict Resolution (TWI Job Relations)
Lecture Hours: 15 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 15 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 10
An integral part of Lean and aims to deliver a better-skilled workforce, improved labor and management relations, productivity improvements, and a focus on continuous improvement.
This training consists of three key TWI modules:
• Job Instruction Training (JI): Train supervisors in how to instruct a person to perform a job correctly and safely; and to be productive as quickly as possible, while creating less scrap, rework, and damage to tools and equipment.
• Job Relations Training (JR): Train supervisors in how to solve personnel problems using an analytical, non-emotional method combined with some basic foundations of human relations. JR emphasizes that supervisors must treat all people as individuals and by understanding people on all levels, supervisors can achieve results working through people.
• Job Methods Training (JM): Train supervisors in how to improve the way jobs are performed in order to consistently produce greater quantities of quality products in less time using available manpower, machines, and materials.
Closely based on the original TWI training manuals developed by the TWI Service, this training package is specially tailored for your organization's Internal TWI or On-The-Job Trainer. The training slides can be used to conduct training in the classroom, with practice demonstrations by participants done either in the classroom and/or shop floor as appropriate. The job aids such as Job Breakdown Sheet, Training Timetable, JBS for Work Analysis, etc. can be put to immediate use or customized.
*Supervisor Training - How to Train (TWI Job Instructions)
Lecture Hours: 15 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 15 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 10
Please see "* Supervisor Training - Conflict Resolution (TWI Job Relations)" to see a description.
*Supervisor Training - How to Improve (TWI Job Methods)
Lecture Hours: 15 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 15 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 10
Please see "* Supervisor Training - Conflict Resolution (TWI Job Relations)" to see a description.
Value Stream Improvement
Lecture Hours: 6 Hours
Implementation Time: 18 Hours
Total Time: 3 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
Value Stream Mapping (VSI) is a practical and highly effective way to learn to see and resolve disconnects, redundancies, and gaps in how work gets done. At the strategic level, a VSM exercise should be conducted first before teams dive into problem-solving and/or kaizen activities.
In this training, you will learn the meaning and benefits of value stream mapping, prepare for a value stream mapping activity, identify a product/service family, document a current state value stream map, analyze value and waste, design the future state value stream, and finally create an implementation plan.
Lean Office
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 2 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
A management philosophy based on the Toyota Production System (TPS). With Lean Office, you will be able to enhance value for your customers by improving service delivery and eliminating waste. Simply put, by becoming a Lean organization, you will be able to improve personal effectiveness, increase productivity and create greater customer value with fewer resources.
This training is specially tailored for office/service industries. By teaching this training to managers and employees, they will have a better understanding of the Lean principles and approach to eliminating waste and will be more forthcoming to lead and participate in the Lean implementation process.
5S for the Office
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: .5 to 3 Days
Total Time: 1 to 3 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
The office, by any name, is a paperwork factory. To become a Lean enterprise, office activities must fully support shop-floor manufacturing operations to eliminate waste. The adoption of 5S throughout all office functions is the first step to increase efficiency. 5S principles are dedicated to organizing the workplace, keeping it neat and clean, and maintaining the standardized conditions and discipline needed to do a good job.
This training provides a blueprint for building a Lean foundation for your office. You will learn how to mobilize and align your management team to launch or improve 5S in your office. The training covers 5S and Visual Management key concepts, best practices, step-by-step implementation guidance, and the best ways to integrate 5S into the organization's culture to achieve sustainable world-class excellence.
Office Kaizen (process improvement)
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: .5 to 3 Days
Total Time: 1 to 3 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
Kaizen strategy is the single most important concept in Japanese management - the key to successful Japanese companies such as Toyota. Kaizen, which simply means continuous improvement, is the foundation for all Lean improvements. Kaizen events are opportunities to make focused changes in the office or service environment.
This training is specially designed for managers, supervisors, facilitators, and continuous improvement steering committees who want to kick-start and implement Kaizen activities in an office or service environment to eliminate waste, improve efficiency and develop a culture of continuous improvement.
Stragetic Planning
Lecture Hours: 24 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 3 Days
Maximum Attendees: 6
is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results and assess and adjust the organization.
*TWI classes are given 3 hours each day for 5 days
Production, Service, Maintenance and Warehouse Areas
5S Organization
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: 1 to 5 Days
Total Time: 1 to 5 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
5S good housekeeping and workplace organization is a set of basic management principles that are widely adopted in industries today. The cornerstone of 5S is that untidy, cluttered work areas are unproductive. 5S principles form the core elements of Lean thinking and a visual workplace and are a fundamental platform for world-class manufacturing.
In this training targeted at manufacturing, service, and warehouse areas, you will learn how to mobilize employees and align your management team to launch or improve a 5S and Visual Management implementation in your organization. The training covers 5S and Visual Management best practices, step-by-step implementation guidance, and the best ways to integrate lean 5S into the organization's culture to achieve sustainable world-class excellence.
Kaizen Guide for Planning
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: 3 to 5 Days
Total Time: 3 to 5 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
Prerequisite Required: Intro to Kaizen
A Kaizen Event/Blitz (a.k.a. Rapid Improvement Event) is a rapid, focused application of Lean methods to reduce waste so as to improve cost, quality, delivery, speed, flexibility, and responsiveness to internal/external customer needs.
This easy-to-follow implementation guide provides step-by-step guidance to the planning, preparation, and conducting of a Kaizen Event. It includes post-event follow-up activities as well as templates for Kaizen charter and training to management and other stakeholders.
Intro to Kaizen
Lecture Hours: 3 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 18
Kaizen strategy is the single most important concept in Japanese management - the key to successful Japanese companies such as Toyota. Kaizen, which simply means continuous improvement, is the foundation for all Lean improvements. Kaizen events are opportunities to make focused changes in the workplace.
Based on Masaaki Imai's teachings on 'Kaizen' and 'Gemba Kaizen', this training is specially designed for managers, supervisors, facilitators, and continuous improvement steering committees who want to kick-start and implement Kaizen activities in their work areas to eliminate waste and improve efficiency.
Intro to Lean with Simulation
Lecture Hours: 4 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 4 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 10 to 18
“Lean” is a management philosophy based on the Toyota Production System (TPS). With Lean Manufacturing, you will be able to enhance value for your customers by improving and smoothing the process flow and eliminating waste. Simply put, with Lean, you will be able to increase productivity and create greater customer value with fewer resources.
By teaching this training, managers and employees will have a better understanding of the Lean principles and approach to eliminating waste and will be more forthcoming to lead and participate in the Lean implementation process.
Visual Management
Lecture Hours: 3 Hours
Implementation Time: .5 to 3 Days
Total Time: 1 to 3 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
Visual management is an integral part of a Lean management system. Visual management uses displays, metrics, and controls to help establish and maintain continuous flow and give everyone a view of the work along the value stream. It includes a set of techniques that make operation standards visible so that people can follow them more easily. These techniques expose waste so that it can be prevented and eliminated.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Lecture Hours: 4 Hours
Implementation Time: 4 Hours
Total Time: 1 Day
Maximum Attendees: 18
As a company-wide initiative, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) maximizes the effectiveness and longevity of equipment. The TPM program significantly increases labor and capital productivity while, at the same time, increases employee morale and job satisfaction. TPM brings maintenance into focus as a necessary and vitally important part of the business. Targeted at all levels of the organization, TPM and its 8 Pillars provide the necessary supporting process and tools to achieve zero defects, zero breakdowns and zero accidents.
Inventory Management
Lecture Hours: 3 Hours
Implementation Time: .5 to 5 Days
Total Time: 1 to 5 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
Successful inventory management involves more than knowing what products are in stock and in what quantities. Inventory managers must also know what to stock, how to position and present each product, and how to replenish inventory. Forecasting product trends and understanding current inventory management technology are also important.
Value Stream Mapping
Lecture Hours: 6 Hours
Implementation Time: 18 Hours
Total Time: 3 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a practical and highly effective way to learn to see and resolve disconnects, redundancies, and gaps in how work gets done. At the strategic level, a VSM exercise should be conducted first before teams dive into problem-solving and/or kaizen activities.
In this training, you will learn the meaning and benefits of value stream mapping, prepare for a value stream mapping activity, identify a product/service family, document a current state value stream map, analyze value and waste, design the future state value stream, and finally create an implementation plan.
A3 Problem Solving
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 2 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 18
A3 thinking is lean thinking. An A3 report is a lean PDCA storyboard. Based on the original A3 process developed by Toyota, the A3 report can be used to propose solutions to problems, give status reports on ongoing projects, and report results of information gathering activity. The term "A3" is derived from the paper size used for the report, which is the metric equivalent to the 11" x 17" paper. The A3 Report is a much simpler and more visual alternative to problem-solving teams who find the traditional PDCA storyboard too time-consuming to create.
In this training guide, you will learn the step-by-step A3 problem-solving process from problem identification to resolution in a fashion that fosters learning, collaboration, and personal development. The problem-solving team records the results of investigation and planning in a concise, two-page document (the A3 Report) that facilitates knowledge sharing and collaboration.
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: .5 to 3 Days
Total Time: 1 to 3 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
Kanban methods go beyond the visual aspects of the Kanban board. In addition to visualizing the work in progress, Kanban provides techniques to manage the flow of work and continuously improve on that flow. You learn how to focus on the work that is needed and reduce the time spent on the wrong work.
Facility Layout
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: 1 to 3 Days
Total Time: 1 to 3 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
Facility Layout looks at the physical allocation of space for economic activity in all aspects of the business. The main objective of the facility layout planning is to design effective workflow as to make equipment and workers more productive. Attendees will learn the process for how to evaluate the current layout and creating a update more efficient layout.
Standard Work
Lecture Hours: 3 Hours
Implementation Time: 1 to 3 Days
Total Time: 1 to 3 Days
Maximum Attendees: 18
In manufacturing operations, standard work is a key element in eliminating process waste and excess inventory and in achieving balanced and synchronous production. Standard work is an agreed upon set of work procedures that effectively combines people, materials and machines to maintain quality, efficiency, safety and predictability. As a foundation stone in Lean manufacturing, standard work establishes the best activities and sequence steps to maximize performance and minimize waste.
Lean Overview
Lecture Hours: 1 Hour
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 1 Hour
Maximum Attendees: 18
A management philosophy based on the Toyota Production System (TPS). With Lean Thinking, you will be able to enhance value for your customers by improving service delivery and eliminating waste. Simply put, by becoming a Lean organization, you will be able to improve personal effectiveness, increase productivity and create greater customer value with less resources.
This training is especially tailored for office/service industries. By teaching this training to managers and employees, they will have a better understanding of the Lean principles and approach to eliminating waste, and will be more forthcoming to lead and participate in the Lean implementation process.
Six Sigma Overview
Lecture Hours: 3 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 18
In today's competitive environment, organizations must delight their customers and relentlessly look for new ways to exceed their expectations. To accomplish this, Six Sigma Quality has to become a part of an organization’s culture. Six Sigma provides a rigorous and structured approach to help organizations improve their performance in meeting their customers' requirements.
This training introduces you to the Six Sigma philosophy, methodology and tools and the infrastructure for successful Six Sigma deployment without delving too much into statistics. It includes applications of Six Sigma in manufacturing, process and service industries, step-by-step DMAIC improvement approach, phase description and deliverables, and roles of the Leadership team, Champion, Process Owner, Black Belt and Green Belt.
Root Cause Analysis
Lecture Hours: 2 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 2 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 18
A popular and often-used technique that helps people answer the question of why the problem occurred in the first place. Root Cause Analysis seeks to identify the origin of a problem. It uses a specific set of steps, with tools such as the 5 Whys and Cause & Effect Diagram, to find the primary cause of the problem, so that you can determine what happened, why it happened and figure out what to do to prevent its recurrence.
7 Tools of Quality
Lecture Hours: 6 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 6 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 18
The Seven Basic Tools of Quality or Seven QC Tools as they are commonly called, are tools which arrange problem areas, put data into diagrams, surface problem areas and clearly bring up any hidden truth. These tools are not for experts alone but for the use of everyone in their daily work. A problem solving team's successes are dependent on the familiarity and ease with which these tools are used.
In this training, you will be able to teach employees how to use the tools in their daily work or as part of the structured Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach to problem solving.
PDCA Problem Solving
Lecture Hours: 8 Hours
Implementation Time: NA
Total Time: 8 Hours
Maximum Attendees: 18
In this training, you will be able to teach employees on the structured Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach to problem solving. Many world-class companies such as Toyota uses the PDCA problem solving process for relentless pursuit of continuous improvement. When combined with the basic quality tools, this approach identifies problems, analyzes root causes and generates solutions. Teach your staff to put effective solutions in place to prevent similar problems from recurring in the future.